[WMV/490MB]Publicinvasion PI5421 - Canary Island
【驗證號碼】:Link URL:
【内容介绍】:Borya is hanging out in the city of Las Palmas on Canary Islands. His glasses seem to have scratches on the lens. So he decides to go into town to see if he can find an optometrist. He runs into a pretty hot lady in the streets of Las Palmas offering to show him where he can find glasses. They stop to sit in coffee shop to grab a drink. While having drinks he decides to try and seduce her. She tells him it 憇 going to cost him in order to touch, next thing you know she抯 on all fours and changing positions getting fucked under the palm tree. After all said and done he drops a load in her mouth. Watch the episode and see all the hardcore action in the Canary Islands.