bobo-pao 发表于 2009-12-17 21:59 只看TA 1楼 |
超好听的!你听的出来是一个11岁女孩的歌声吗?I will - Bianca ryan 兄弟们这么好听的歌在不给红心就说不过去了啊!大家把这个帖子顶起来啊! 天才少女BiancaRyan是在11岁在一期(美国偶像)中的表演而出名,演唱了一首美国第一女高音JenniferHolliday的《andiamtellingyou》,让人觉得不可思议。唱完《andiamtellingyou》这首歌曲全场观众起立喝彩,惊的现场评委都捂住嘴巴站了起来。这些评委也都是赫赫有名的人物:女歌手Brandy、影星DavidHasselhoff和制片人PiersMorgan,个个都是大腕级人物,他们对小女孩的赞誉也是毫不吝啬“这是我听到的最棒的声音”、“你一定是个未来之星”。凭借这一完美表现成功夺冠,获得100万美金的奖金.就象国内的超女一样,马上推出了自己的首张专辑(同名专辑《BiancaRyan》).当然唱功是国内超女没法比的听完这张专辑,你就会知道什么才叫做真正的"超女"! ,$L4dF3 这首歌曲会让你在觉得最难过的事情就是在你最需要的时候,我不在你身边。当你无力承受一切时,只需记得一件事,我在你身边,在你身边。很难想象这是一个11岁小女孩的声音。请朋友们闭上眼用心听,然后,你就会发现你的爱。不知不觉洞彻人心一直循环着 然而 感受也渐渐不同 刚开始可以感觉到 那种缓缓的流动在心底的爱 慢慢的涌出来 美好的 那些曾经在心底的疼痛也渐渐消失扩散~~ 心情不好的话就听听这个小女孩为我们带来的力量吧 I will 歌词: How do i put into words that my fellings for sure } you're the one im here for i, i'll nothing i wouldn't do i would never desert you hurt you i want you to know who's gonne be there standing by your side forever who's gonna help you when you can't keep it all together and who's gonna promise that they'll never leave you all alone i will i will i will for you try when the night feels too long when all your hope is gone i'll show you how to carry on ohh, cause now, in your eyes i can see everything you can be and if you're lost i will find you remind you don't you know who's gonne be there standing by your side forever who's gonna help you when you can't keep it all together and who's gonna promise that they'll never leave you all alone i will i will i will for what i believe i'd risk everything you know i believe in you and you're willing to fight 'cause you know deep inside it's the right thing to do it's the chance that you take it's the bond that won't break love is the one thing that never. ever who's gonne be there sdw standing by your side forever who's gonna help you when you can't keep it all together (keep it all together) and who's gonna promise that they'll never leave you all alone i will i will i will for you i will who's gonne be there standing by your side forever (im gonna be there) who's gonna help you when you can't keep it all together and who's gonna promise 1iF1GkLEq that they'll never leave you all alone i will i will i will for you i will i will bobo推荐,绝对经典! 下载地址: ... 6a64fi/i%20will.mp3 [ 本帖最后由 bobo-pao 于 2009-12-28 00:07 编辑 ] |
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haosexiaozi112 发表于 2009-12-19 22:34 只看TA 9楼 |
我还真的听不出来是十一岁的女孩的声音,不过歌的确很好听! |
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